The first two episodes of the Polish Max original series Lady Love will be released on Max / HBO Max on December 20th. The six-part story follows the shy but very sensual Polish girl Lucyna on her journey from behind the Iron Curtain into the German porn business in the 80s. It follows her struggles to find a place to fit in, to find love, to find her power and to find what is really worth fighting for.
Set in Poland behind the Iron Curtain and then in the porn business in Germany in the 1980s, Lady Love is a colourful and sexy story about love and freedom of love, freedom of choice and female empowerment. Lise Risom Olsen plays the star of the business: Nina Star, who faces competition from a new Polish girl, Lucyna Love. Glamour, glitter, a little crime and a lot of drama are promised.
A new episode will be released on Max the next four Fridays.
CAST: Anna Szymanczyk, Clemens Schick, Lise Risom Olsen, Dorota Pomykała, Tobias Lange, Adam Woronowicz, Borys Szyć, Julian Świezewski, Piotr Trojan, Michał Żurawski, Anna Krotoska, Stanisław Linowski, Julia Polaczek, Maciej Radel, Jacek, Król, Ewelina Żak and Ralph Kamiński a.m.
Directed by Bartosz Konopka
Cinematographer: Jacek Podgórski
Casting by: Piotr Bartuszek
Executive producers : Adrianna Przetacka (WBD), Mikołaj Wit & Dariusz Goczał (Bongo Media)
Co-produced by: Warner Bors. Discovery and Bongo Media for Max.
Script: Ewa Popiołek and Dorota Jankojc-Poddębniak.